

5 Questions To Ask If Someone You Know Expresses Suicidal Ideation

No expression of suicidality is to be underestimated. I served two of my 20 years in mental health as a psychiatric screener for a major New Jersey hospital where I gained experience and insight too valuable to not share with as many people as I can. In those two years I interviewed many people in the throes of anxiety, depression, and suicidality. Our lives intersected on their worst day, and my charge was to discern if they met the legal definition of mental illness. READ MORE…


PanicDisorderFive Signs You Have Developed Panic Disorder
Panic launches relentless attacks on both mind and body. Anyone who has ever experienced such an assault is familiar with shallow breathing, nausea, sweating, rapid heart rate, and lesser known symptoms like derealization and depersonalization. Once symptoms subside, sufferers are exhausted, and require significant recovery time. Such is the result of our own bodies poisoning us with adrenaline for reasons known only to itself. Some people might experience an attack or maybe even two, and then never again feel consumed by dread and imminence of death, but others are not so fortunate. Those people whose brains are tattooed by panic attack experience life altering effects. READ MORE…