How the New Adopt-a-Shelf Program at The Pantry Aims to Provide Healthier, Fresher Food Options for Those in Need

The biggest challenge faced by The Pantry at Nutley Family Service Bureau (NFSB) is keeping fresh items in stock. We need to stock each shelf in our refrigerator and freezer...

Helping A Neighbor In Need Like Ryan And His Family

Ryan is a 20-year-old college student who started individual therapy services with NFSB during the pandemic with the hopes of improving his academic performance and relationship with his family. Ryan...

NFSB Expands Home Food Deliveries to Seniors and Homebound Residents

As part of our ongoing fight against food insecurity in our community, The Pantry at Nutley Family Service Bureau (NFSB) holds bi-weekly food distributions on Wednesdays from 2-5 and Thursdays...

Meet the Counselors: Kelly Rivadeneyra, MSW, LCSW

Kelly Rivadeneyra (Master of Social Work), LCSW (Licensed Clinical Social Worker) always had an interest in social work. Her interest grew as a double major in psychology and criminal justice...

How The Pantry at NFSB Is Planning to Enhance the Customer Experience

In recent years, food distributions have been held at The Pantry at Nutley Family Service Bureau (NFSB) on Wednesdays from 2 pm to 5 pm and Thursday s from 10...

Ida Response Shows How NFSB Steps Up in an Emergency

People were up to their waist in water. Hurricane Ida left its mark all over Nutley. Homes and businesses were flooded. Fallen tree branches covered the ground. Abandoned cars were...

Pandemic Leads to Increase in Suicidal Thoughts Among Teens

According to CDC research, emergency room visits for suspected suicide attempts by girls ages 12-17 increased 26 percent during summer 2020 and 50 percent during winter 2021 from the same...

Kick Off the Holiday Season with the Winter Wonderland Sale at The Shop!

“Gone away is the bluebird here to stay is the new bird” After the adversity we’ve faced over the past two years, who’s ready to start putting it in the...

Community Embraces NFSB Thanksgiving Initiative to Make Holiday Special

The Pantry at Nutley Family Service Bureau (NFSB) is receiving support from large and small businesses, schools, scouts, and local families to make Thanksgiving extra special for everyone this year...