New Assistant Manager at The Shop, New Opportunities for Growth

Nutley Family Service Bureau (NFSB) recently welcomed Heather Amendola as Assistant Manager of The Shop. With experience in retail, customer service, and graphic design, the 2017 graduate of Nutley...

Rock Hunger V: Five Great Bands, One Great Cause

You know an annual event is a hit when people in the local community relive their favorite memories throughout the year and constantly ask about the next one. More people...

How NFSB Supports and Advocates for Residents at Nutley Senior Manor

Right around the corner from Nutley Family Service Bureau (NFSB), Nutley Senior Manor provides low-income housing for area older adults. Individuals who are eligible for housing at Nutley Senior Manor...

We Need Your Votes to Win a $25,000 Grant for Nutley’s Friendly Neighbor-to-Neighbor Program!

State Farm Neighborhood Assist will award $25,000 grants to 100 causes across the country. Nutley Family Service Bureau (NFSB) has been named one of 200 finalists among approximately 4,000 submissions...

Free Educational Workshop to Focus on Maternal Mental Health

Nutley Family Services Bureau (NFSB) is excited to continue its free Mental Health Monthly Workshop Series with “Maternal Mental Health: Before, During and After Baby.” This community education event...

Nutley’s Braden Somers and NFSB Take a Bite Out of Pet Food Insecurity

If there’s one thing we’ve learned about Nutley High School sophomore Braden Somers, it’s that she doesn’t like to sit around and wait for change to happen. As a sixth...

Understanding Trauma and How Therapy Can Help

A traumatic experience, whether a single event or ongoing trauma, can be difficult for a person to process. If left untreated, trauma can have debilitating, long-term effects. Emotionally, trauma can...

Free Workshop to Focus on Healthy Body Image and Eating Disorders

Nutley Family Services Bureau (NFSB) is excited to continue its free Mental Health Monthly Workshop Series with “Promoting Healthy Body Image & Habits: How to Identify and Support Someone with...

The Shop at NFSB Invites You to a New Higher End “Boutique” to Support our Services

Recent visitors to The Shop at Nutley Family Service Bureau (NFSB) may have noticed the addition of a new room filled with even more “great finds”! These are the enthusiastic...