Case Management Services

Nutley Family Service Bureau’s (NFSB) highly trained Case Managers are available to assist you and your family with a multitude of challenges. Some of the issues we address through our Case Management program include:


  • Medicare enrollment Affordable Care Act
  • Medicaid programs
  • Programs that cover Medicare Parts B and D premium
  • Patient Assistant Program
  • Home health aide programs
  • Respite programs
  • Commission for the Blind
  • Charity Care
  • Eyeglass assistance programs
  • Dental clinics

Food Insecurities

  • SNAP (food stamp) benefits
  • Referral to NFSB Food Pantry and other local food pantries


  • Ambulate programs
  • Medicaid transportation

Utility Assistance

  • PS&G bill
  • Cell phones (low income criteria)
  • Oil assistance programs
  • Replacing boiler (low income criteria)
  • Landline phone assistance


  • Low income, senior housing
  • Assisted living, nursing homes, and rehabilitation facilities


  • Linkage to welfare
  • Linkage to Coordinated Entry
  • Shelter referrals

Mental Health

  • Mental health services through our clinic for residents without insurance
  • Referral and linkage to mental health services for residents with insurance

Legal Services

  • Legal services of NJ
  • Community Health Law Project
NFSB is here to meet the case management needs of our community.