After more than 110 years, demand for Nutley Family Service Bureau (NFSB) programs and services has never been higher. As we see steady growth in the number of people seeking mental health counseling, food, and various forms of assistance through our case management program, NFSB continues to answer the call. Consider how donations from neighbors like you are changing people’s lives.
Audrey was in danger of losing her apartment. She lives with a disability and relies on a part-time job and Social Security to make ends meet. Sadly, this was not enough to cover the costs of her most basic needs. When Audrey fell behind with rent payments because of a rate increase, friends and colleagues urged her to visit the NFSB Food Pantry. Initially, she resisted because she was proud and felt that she would be taking food from people who needed it more. Overcome by emotion, stress, and gratitude, Audrey broke down in tears when she visited the Food Pantry and asked for help. NFSB welcomed Audrey and introduced her to our Choice Shopping program where neighbors are treated with dignity and respect and select their own groceries. The food assistance enabled her to pay her rent, keep her apartment, and enjoy healthy, nutritious meals every day.
In addition to providing record amounts of food to the community, we’ve made significant progress toward achieving our goal of doubling the capacity of our mental health program. NFSB has immediate appointments available with bilingual counselors, bucking the trend of long waitlists that plague much of the mental health sector. Meanwhile, community events and outreach programs continue to build engagement and connections.
Of course, meeting heightened demand for NFSB programs with additional staff and resources requires significant funding. Please consider a gift to the 2024 annual fund to support essential programs that give hope for a brighter future to thousands of people in our community.
Thank you so much for your generosity and compassion. We wish you peace, joy, and hope this holiday season!
Dave Popkin,
Board President
Katherine Carmichael,
Executive Director
Since 1913, NFSB has supported residents through two World Wars, the Great Depression, Superstorm Sandy, and the Covid pandemic. Of course, everyday life presents its own challenges with relationships, work, money, and stress. Because the community has always been there for us, we’ve always been there for the community.
As proud as we are of our history, we’re focused on the present and future. We need your help to continue supporting neighbors through our mental health program, case management services, food pantry, and thrift shop.
Please consider a year-end gift to the 2023 annual fund. Your tax-deductible donation will go directly to supporting these much-needed resources right here in our community. Thank you so much for your generosity, compassion, and commitment to helping others!
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